Each year, 威斯康辛州路德 College is required to report all criminal activity to the government. 政府还要求学院向学生团体提供这些统计数据.
威斯康辛路德学院保留了过去七年的犯罪统计数据. 如果你对校园犯罪数据有任何疑问, 请拨打414与学生生活副主席联系.443.8825或学生生活办公室,电话414.443.8852.
刑事杀人/谋杀及非过失杀人: 杀人:一个人对另一个人的故意(非过失)杀害.
刑事杀人/过失杀人: 因重大过失导致他人死亡.
强迫性犯罪: 任何针对他人的性行为, forcibly 和/或 against 那 person's will; or not forcibly or against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (or because of his/her youth). This includes forcible rape, forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling.
非强迫性犯罪: 非法的、非强制的性交. 这包括乱伦和法定强奸.
抢劫: 拿走或试图从护理中心拿走任何有价值的东西, 监护权, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence 和/或 putting the victim in fear.
加重攻击罪: An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. (伤害不一定是由持枪的严重攻击造成的, 刀, or other weapon is used which could and probably would result in serious personal injury if the crime were successfully completed.)
盗窃: 非法进入建筑物进行重罪或盗窃. For reporting purposes this definition includes: unlawful entry with intent to commit a larceny or felony; breaking and entering with intent to commit a larceny; housebreaking; safecracking; and all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned.
纵火罪: 任何故意或恶意焚烧或企图焚烧, 有意或无意欺诈的, 住宅, 公共建筑, 机动车辆或飞机, 他人的个人财产, 等.
汽车盗窃案: 盗窃或企图盗窃机动车辆(汽车, 卡车, 公共汽车, 摩托车, 汽车摩托车, 雪地摩托, 等.) Includes all cases where motor vehicles are taken by persons not having lawful access even though the vehicles are later abandoned, 包括驾车兜风.
仇恨犯罪: 可以确定为仇恨犯罪的特定犯罪, 包括谋杀, 过失杀人, 抢劫, 加重攻击罪, 入室盗窃, 机动车辆盗窃, 纵火, forcible and non-forcible sex offenses in which the victim is intentionally selected because of actual or perceived race, 性别, 宗教, 性取向, 种族, 或者受害者的残疾.
Bias-Motivated事件: Incidents 那 are not categorized into one of the listed criminal offenses but may include cases of written or verbal harassment, 恐吓, 破坏, damage or vandalism of property or graffiti in which the victim is intentionally selected because of actual or perceived race, 性别, 宗教, 性取向, 种族, 或者受害者的残疾. 任何学生, 教师 member or employee who is the victim of a bias-motivated incident or hate crime is encouraged to file a report 立即.
WLC致力于促进和保护健康, 安全, 以及所有学生的福祉, 员工, 并通过培养来访者积极向上, 健康校园社区. 鉴于吸烟对吸烟者和非吸烟者都有明显的健康危害, 以及其他潜在的未知风险, WLC采用了一种烟雾-, vape -, 以及适用于全体教员的禁烟政策, 工作人员, 学生, 客户, 承包商, 随时都有访客. 具体地说, WLC严禁吸烟, 特许经销商, 烟草和烟草/尼古丁产品的使用, on, 以及所有的建筑物,设施和财产, 操作, 或由WLC租用/租赁. 本政策适用于, 但不限于, 以下是:WLC的每一栋教学楼和所有教学空间, 公共集会空间, 个人办公室, 大学住宅, the Parking Center and interior/exterior parking lots (including stairwells and other enclosed portions of the Parking Center and parking lots), 运动场地和室外空间, 以及所有wlc赞助的校园活动. 此外,在所有学生宿舍设施内禁止持有电子烟笔.
吸烟的例子, 特许经销商, WLC严格禁止的烟草和烟草/尼古丁产品包括, 但不限于, 以下几点:
•香烟(e).g. 烟草、丁香)
•无烟烟草(例如.g. 吐痰和不吐痰(咀嚼,袋,鼻烟)
•电子烟笔(e.g. 尤尔的说法)
•汽化器(如.g. 油、草药、蜡)
注意:尼古丁替代疗法, 哪些是旨在帮助烟草使用者戒烟的, 不适用.
如果发生火灾, the College expects 那 all campus community members will evacuate by the nearest exit and activate the fire alarm system (if it has yet to be activated) as they leave. 一旦安全走出大楼,就应该联系911和公共安全部门. 校园各处都张贴着疏散路线的告示. In the event fire alarms sound, College policy is 那 all occupants must evacuate from the building.
消防安全教育项目 for all 学生 living in on-campus student housing and all 员工 那 have any association with on-campus student housing are held at the floor/building meeting at the beginning of each semester. These programs are designed to: familiarize everyone with the fire 安全 system in each housing facility, train everyone on the procedures to be followed in case there is a fire and to make all aware of the posted evacuation routes. 在那次会议上,每个学生都被告知学院有关消防安全的政策. 每个学生房间都张贴了一张说明疏散路线的布告. 在这些项目中,培训师强调参加消防演习是强制性的. 根据残疾学生的需要,为他们提供住宿.
消防安全教育 is provided to student and professional 工作人员 with responsibilities in student housing and is taught by local fire authorities as well as the director of 居住生活 who is experienced in fire 安全 matters.
如果发生火灾, 学生 are instructed to 立即 leave hazardous areas per the evacuation routes and get to a predetermined location before calling 911 for help. They are to remain in 那 location so 那 居住生活 工作人员 has the opportunity to document 那 the student has left the building.
The information provided during the fire 安全 programs is also available from the Office of 居住生活 at any time.
根据联邦法律, 威斯康辛州路德 College is required to annually disclose statistical data on all fires 那 occur in on-campus student housing facilities. Listed below are the non-emergency numbers to call to report fires 那 have already been extinguished in on-campus student housing. These are fires for which you are unsure whether the 威斯康辛州路德 College Office of 公共安全 and Office of 居住生活 may already be aware.
如果你发现了火灾的证据或者听说了火灾, 请联络下列人士之一: 公共安全,414页.443.8500 和/或 宿舍生活办公室,414.443.8689. 当调用, 请提供尽可能多的地点信誉最好的网投平台排名, 日期, 火灾的时间和原因.